October 7

The Calming Effect of a Clean Car


— And Why It’s Psychologically Beneficial —

A recent survey of over 3000 American adults looked at current stress levels [https://www.stress.org/stress-level-of-americans-is-rising-rapidly-in-2022-new-study-finds]. And it found, on average, we are more stressed than we’ve been for the last six years!

Stress affects us in all kinds of ways. Our bodies might experience headaches, muscle tension, tiredness, or digestive issues. Our minds can battle anxiety, lack of focus, irritability, and sadness. And, of course, it all impacts how we relate in work, friends, and family.

Granted, in those six years, we’ve had a pandemic, global conflict, rising inflation, and more. So there are certainly plenty of stress factors outside our control, but it’s worthwhile to consider the ones we can do something about!

Simply bringing order and cleanliness to our environment can make a huge difference in our daily stress levels.

According to the “AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety,” we already spend 20 minutes more in the car each week as compared to 2014. You’re now sitting in your vehicle somewhere around 18 days a year, or 8 hours per week. With all that time, how can the state of it not affect you?

So what is it about that dirty and cluttered environment that impacts us psychologically?

  • We have the constant visual reminder of things undone. Like adding to the stack in your mental “In-Box,” the work still required, is ever before us.
  • We have the embarrassment of others seeing it. This might not be a struggle for you, but many experience shame at the thought of a friend or co-worker having to ride in their unkempt or dirty vehicle.
  • We have the inconvenience of missing items. “Where did I PUT that receipt?!,” we ask ourselves in vain as we search high and low. This is not helping stress levels!
  • We perceive ourselves as less capable. Our overall self-esteem can suffer when we let one particular area go. And this can have a cascading effect from one area to another.

Conversely, when our environment is both clean and tidy, cortisol levels (which contribute to stress) tend to decrease. Our visual in-box gets cleared out, allowing us to focus. We’re more comfortable having others see our vehicle or ride in it. Items inside are easy-to-find which gives us time back. And our overall self-perception rises.

That’s why it makes sense to prioritize a carwash and cleaning as part of your life rhythm.

Drake’s Carwash has three different Unlimited wash packages to fit any budget. Our automated wash will take care of the outside. Then, you can help yourself to our free vacuum time and take care of the inside.

There’s no long-term commitment, so you won’t feel tied down. Just pay monthly, and pop in as often as you like. We’ve even got a dedicated lane for Unlimited members.

Click here to learn more: https://websiteconnect.drb.com/drakescarwash/Wash-Packages

You’ve got enough to worry about! So let Drake’s Carwash help you de-stress one part of life.

#DrakesCarwash #Destress #CranberryCarwash #KeepItClean

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